Friday, April 17, 2020

Least brook lamprey and the meaning of (their) lives

The end of the spring is coming, and the summer will start soon. In the meantime, least brook lamprey in Maryland have been spawning. As part of my research, I have been keeping and studying adult least brook lamprey. As part of their day-to-day they went about spawning in the holding tanks, and we are now trying to raise the eggs and ultimately the larvae when they hatch out.

Excitingly, the eggs are becoming pro-larvae, and in a few weeks they will be larvae.
Here are some of the pro-larvae laying on the sediment and soon they will be able to burrow.

Don't believe me that those things are alive? Here they are wiggling.

And with a scale (pull tabs are 1 inch long, in case you were wondering)!

Hopefully, some of the work this summer will lend itself to more blog posts...we'll see.

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